In July, 2017, a patient return to us that had moved to Noble County approximately 18 months earlier. She had insurance when she moved, but subsequently lost her coverage. She had no access to care had been without her medication for about 9 month. Diane found herself in the Emergency Room with her blood sugars over 500 and an A1C of 11.5; over twice what is should be. The staff at Parkview Noble referred at her to St. Martin’s for care. Needless to say, she was very excited to learn that the clinic now served Noble County as well. Unfortunately, the months with uncontrolled blood sugars had taken their toll on her health. Her kidney function was beginning to deteriorate, the diabetic neuropathy was worse, her carotid arteries were 65% occluded and her vision was decreasing. First, Diane saw our nurse practitioner who restarted her insulin injections, respiratory inhaler, and cholesterol medication, treated her neuropathy and addressed her anxiety and depression. Immediately she was scheduled to be seen at St. Martin’s by our volunteer eye doctor and found to need laser surgery. St. Martin’s was able to assist her in getting this procedure done at a very minimal cost in an effort to save her vision. She also met with the volunteer diabetic educator for one on one help with her diet. Her most recent A1C (6 months later) is down to 7.5; much more desirable that previously.
“I am so thankful that St. Martin’s is offering services to Noble County. I so glad I can return to the clinic for care and help with my diabetes.”
Jenny is 54 years old. Last year, she moved to our area with her husband to be closer to her aunt and uncle. She had a part-time job but they were struggling financially. She had just started coming to St. Martins for her checkup for her diabetes. She felt good. When Kathy at the front desk was booking her next appointment, she asked her, “Hey Jenny, when was your last mammogram?” That question saved her life! When the results came back, Jenny was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer. There was a lump under her arm and 6 lymph nodes were involved. The chemo was tough. It made her tire easily and she couldn’t work as much. Throughout it all, our staff and volunteers were there for Jenny every step of the way. And the good news is that her cancer is now in remission! We must be there for the next Jenny who needs our help.
"The love and support I received from St. Martin's was unreal. St. Martin's saved my life."
John and Martha is a lovely couple, who have been coming to St. Martins for years. Then two years ago Jane, their daughter, who was struggling in many ways, came to live with them. One day she came to the clinic, because she thought she had the flu. Our doctor found that Jane was pregnant and our staff helped her to see an OB-GYN right away, and we were able to place her in his care. Jane gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 16 months ago now. Both are healthy and strong and Jane is no longer struggling. She found a part-time job. She’s still living with her parents so John and Martha get to enjoy their daughter and granddaughter every day. So you see how you’re ongoing support and that of others like you, made a difference! Not just to one person but to a whole family!